
2023 Fully Funded Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Scholarships

The Korea International Cooperation Agency Scholarship (SP) is designed to train key leaders in partner countries to contribute to the socio-economic development of their home countries. KOICA Is offering 24 master’s programs and 2 doctorate programs in 2023. This announcement is for 12 programs only. Application guideline for 12 more courses will be provided during March.

The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), established in 1991, is a governmental agency dedicated to providing Korea’s ODA programs.
Korea International Cooperation Agency aims to promote amicable, cooperative relationship and mutual exchanges with developing countries by rendering support for their socio-economic development.

To this end, Korea International Cooperation Agency has been engaging in a wide range of schemes including the project and DEEP, Fellowship Program, World Friends Korea, Humanitarian assistance & Disaster Relief, Public-Private Partnership, Multilateral Cooperation and the Global Disease Eradication Fund.

The International Cooperation Center (ICC) was established in June 2008 as an exclusive facility for visitors participating in KOICA’s government-sponsored fellowship programs.

The ICC functions as a major training complex for fellowship trainings as well as other international cooperation programs, providing comfortable accommodations and raising efficacy of lectures provided.


  • KOICA Scholarship Program (Master’s and Doctoral degrees)

Target Countries

  • Countries selected by KOICA among the DAC List of ODA Recipients (62 Countries)


  • Fees including tuition, monthly allowance, air fare, accommodation, settlement allowance, scholarship completion grants, insurance, and extracurricular activities.

Eligibility Requirements for the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Scholarships

KOICA Master’s Degrees

  • Citizen of a partner country officially recommended by the country’s government
  • Holder of a bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution
  • Public official or publicly-affiliated worker
  • Those meeting the university’s selection criteria

KOICA Doctoral Degrees

  • Those meeting the above selection criteria for a master’s degree
  • A master »s degree holder of KOICA’s Scholarship Programs

Method of Application

  • All documents should be sent to the regional KOICA office or the relevant government office.
  • A two track approach of an application process

KOICA documents
University documents

Enquiries: [email protected]

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

Application Deadline: March 20, 2023

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