
2025 DW Akademie French-Speaking Master’s in International Journalism Scholarships and Internship Program.

The DW Akademie and  the Tours Public School of Journalism / the University of Tours (France) are launching a call for applications for the recruitment of students for the second class of the French-speaking Master’s in International Journalism.

DW Akademie French-Speaking Master’s in International Journalism Scholarships and Internship Program

Requirements For The DW Akademie French-Speaking Master’s in International Journalism Scholarships and Internship Program.

  • The MFJI is aimed in particular at media professionals from French-speaking partner countries of German development cooperation in North and West Africa. These include Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Benin and Côte d’Ivoire. Applications from candidates who are permanently resident in one of these countries will therefore be given priority.

Selection criteria For The DW Akademie French-Speaking Master’s in International Journalism Scholarships and Internship Program

To apply, you must meet the following criteria:

1. higher education diploma obtained less than 10 years ago

For your application to be considered, you must hold a higher education diploma at bachelor’s level (i.e. 180 credits, bac+3) or higher. Your most recent diploma must be less than 10 years old at the closing date for applications.

Although open to all disciplines, applications from graduates in Information and Communication  Sciences will be given special attention.

2. professional experience

You must provide proof of at least one year of professional experience in the media and/or journalism. Internships, volunteering and volunteering experiences are taken into account. You must provide proof in the form of a work certificate or a certificate of internship, volunteering or volunteering.

3. proficiency in French: level C1/C2

A C1 or C2 level French certification (valid DALF or TCF for all audiences) must be attached to the application file. Unless otherwise specified, the French test or diploma is mandatory.  

The following are exempt from the French test:  

  • Candidates holding a French baccalaureate (obtained in France or in an AEFE-approved establishment).  
  • Candidates holding a French higher education diploma obtained in France. 
  • Candidates from countries where French is the official language and whose diploma and/or work language is French (French-speaking courses, French-speaking media, etc.). 

It is also appreciated:

  • knowledge of English: level B1 (independent user).

Knowledge of level B1 (or higher) is an asset for studying in Germany and following courses taught in English. However, an English language certification is not required. You do not have level B1 at the time of application? If your application is accepted, it will be strongly recommended that you take an English course in your country of residence before joining the master’s degree.


  • Each year, ten candidates are selected after a two-phase selection procedure: an eligibility phase conditioned by the approval of the application file and an admission phase consisting of an oral interview and a written test. All those admitted benefit from an excellence scholarship covering tuition and living expenses.

Bonn, Tours and the French-speaking world

  • The MFJI has the particularity of taking place successively in Bonn (Germany), Tours (France) and in the students’ country of origin. For the sake of complementarity, it combines academic and professional teaching.
  • A large place is given to practice from the first year. This is followed by a media specialization in the second year. Then, students complete an end-of-studies internship in their respective countries of origin to facilitate the continuation of their careers after obtaining their diploma. MFJI graduates thus have the opportunity to contribute to strengthening the media in their respective countries.

  • At the end of two years of training, students are awarded a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Tours. In addition, they receive a certificate of achievement issued jointly by the DW Akademie and the Public School of Journalism of Tours.

Method of Application

The admission procedure takes place in two stages. It includes an admissibility phase based on the file, then an oral interview and a written test for candidates whose file has been accepted.

  • Eligibility phase

The evaluators study the files based on the academic and professional background, personal and professional projects; as well as the social and civic commitment of the candidate. Only complete files are taken into account.

  • Admission phase

Candidates whose files have been accepted at the end of the first phase are invited to an interview. This allows the selection panel to evaluate the candidate’s background and projects in more detail. It is also an opportunity to answer the candidate’s questions. Candidates also take part in a written test . The precise arrangements for this test will be announced to eligible candidates. 

The admission tests will be conducted remotely in March 2025. After deliberation, the results will be communicated by email between April and May.

If you have any questions about the application process or are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact the MFJI team at [email protected].

Application Deadline: February 20, 2025 at 12 noon GTM+1

For More Information,

Visit the Official Website

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