
2025 Worldwide Milken-Penn GSE Education Business Plan Competition for Entrepreneurs.

The Milken-Penn GSE Education Business Plan Competition celebrates and nurtures purpose-driven ventures that seek to address inequities in  education through innovation. The Milken-Penn GSE Education Business Plan Competition (EBPC) is open to applicants worldwide advancing teaching and learning through innovation. Finalists get targeted venture development support from a strategic advisor, opportunities for in-person networking with investors and potential customers.

The competition is open to a wide range of participants, including entrepreneurs, education professionals, and organizations with innovative ideas for improving education. These ideas can focus on areas such as educational technology, curriculum development, teacher training, access to quality education, inclusive education, and education policy. The competition welcomes both for-profit and non-profit organizations, with a strong emphasis on scalable and sustainable solutions that can make a significant impact on the global education landscape.

Worldwide Milken-Penn GSE Education Business Plan Competition

Participants in the competition are required to submit a detailed business plan outlining their idea, the problem it seeks to address, the target audience, the proposed solution, and the potential impact of the project. The business plan should also include a clear strategy for implementation, including the financial model, operational plan, and key metrics for measuring success. Applicants are encouraged to showcase how their idea stands out from other education initiatives and how it has the potential to scale across different regions or populations.

The Milken-Penn GSE Education Business Plan Competition offers a range of prizes to the winners, including seed funding, mentorship, and the opportunity to gain visibility and recognition for their innovative idea. The competition provides not only financial support but also valuable access to a network of education experts, investors, and entrepreneurs who can help bring the business plan to life and drive its success. The competition’s goal is to catalyze change in education by supporting ideas that can lead to long-term improvements in the way education is delivered and accessed worldwide.

Eligibility Criteria For The Worldwide Milken-Penn GSE Education Business Plan Competition

The EBPC welcomes entrepreneurs with innovative ideas in education from around the world.

  • Applicants are encouraged to explore how their product or solution can be applied to address issues in the field of education and impact teaching, learning, and education outcomes.
  • Additionally, organizations entering the competition may not have generated more than the equivalent of US $2,000,000 in gross revenue during the prior twelve (12) months before the date the organization submits its Application Form. 


  • $40,000: Michael & Lori Milken Family Foundation Grand Prize
  • $25,000: Second place award
  • $10,000: Third place award
  • $5,000: Audience Choice prize

Finalists are required to participate in the EBPC Finals for the opportunity to win cash and prizes. This includes making a pitch and being present for conversations with judges at the live finals on September 10 in New York City at the Holon IQ Back to School Summit. A stipend is awarded to Finalists to defray the costs of travel and lodging in New York City.


  •  Semifinalists will be announced May 1, 2025.
  • Finalists will be announced August 20, 2025. Finalists will compete in-person at the EBPC Finals on September 10 in New York City at the Holon IQ Back to School Summit.
  • Semi-finalists should expect to invest 2–6 hours per week, from May to August, working within our Catapult virtual accelerator. Catapult enables you to assess your venture’s strengths and weaknesses, connect with mentors, and prepare for the finals event in September. The Catapult experience is self-paced and fully flexible and will align with your busy schedule.

Method of Application

  • 1. Prepare your materials: Review the Application components section below, and get a head start assembling the elements of a successful application.
  • 2. Register for Catapult: Take 5 minutes to complete our simple registration for a free Catapult account.
  • 3. Complete your application: Once registered, you’ll fill out and submit your application through Catapult’s online platform.

Application Timeline:

  • Jan 15: Application Opens
  • Feb 19: Applications Due
  • May 1: Semifinalists Announced
  • Aug 20: Finalists Announced
  • Sept 11: Live Competition

Application Deadline:  February 19, 2025.

For More Information,

Visit the Official Website

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