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2025 International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) Knight International Journalism Award.

Each year, the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) honors outstanding colleagues with the ICFJ Knight International Journalism Award at the Tribute to Journalists. ICFJ are now seeking nominees whose pioneering coverage or media innovations have made an impact on the lives of people in their countries or regions. Candidates can be reporters, editors, technologists, media managers or citizen journalists. Those who meet the award’s criteria may nominate themselves.

International Center for Journalists is a non-profit, professional organization located in Washington, D.C., United States, that promotes journalism worldwide. Since 1984, the International Center for Journalists has worked directly with more than 70,000 journalists from 180 countries over 27 years. ICFJ offers hands-on training, workshops, seminars, fellowships and international exchanges to reporters and media managers around the globe.

The International Center for Journalists empowers an unparalleled global network of journalists to produce news reports that lead to better governments, stronger economies, more vibrant societies and healthier lives.

International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) Knight International Journalism Award

International Center for Journalists works at the nexus of journalism and technology, building the expertise and storytelling skills of reporters worldwide. Through their work, journalists are enhancing news coverage and connecting more deeply with their audiences. As a result, they are increasing the flow of reliable, trustworthy news – a cornerstone of healthy democracies. They believe that better journalism leads to better lives.

The Knight International Journalism Award highlights journalists who have had a global impact in advancing the cause of free and independent media. It celebrates innovative and courageous journalism that has contributed to the improvement of democratic governance, human rights, and public understanding of key issues. The award is particularly aimed at recognizing journalists who use creative approaches to overcome challenges, such as censorship, limited resources, or political repression, and who have empowered communities by bringing attention to underreported stories or promoting social justice.

Candidates for the ICFJ Knight International Journalism Award are nominated by a network of international media professionals, organizations, and colleagues who are familiar with their work and impact. Nominees are evaluated on the quality and significance of their reporting, the influence of their work on public policy or public opinion, and the extent to which their journalism has contributed to greater accountability and transparency in society. The selection process is highly competitive, and nominees are carefully assessed by an independent panel of judges who are experts in the field of journalism.

The award not only recognizes the individual achievements of journalists but also provides them with a platform to continue their important work. Award recipients receive a cash prize, and their achievements are celebrated during a prestigious ceremony. In addition to the financial reward, the award includes opportunities for further professional development and networking with other leading journalists, media organizations, and advocates for press freedom. The recognition serves as an endorsement of the recipient’s dedication to high standards of journalism and encourages the global media community to continue striving for excellence in reporting.

Beyond the recognition of outstanding work, the Knight International Journalism Award is designed to amplify the impact of awardees’ efforts. It draws attention to the critical role of journalists in shaping public discourse, exposing corruption, holding power to account, and fostering democratic values. The award serves as a reminder of the importance of press freedom and the need to support journalists who are working in challenging environments to uphold these fundamental principles.

The International Center for Journalists is committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion. They intentionally reflect this commitment in their policies, their actions and their work serving a global community of journalists

Requirements For The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) Knight International Journalism Award.

  • Candidates can be reporters, editors, technologists, media managers or citizen journalists from countries where they face major challenges doing their work. Those who meet the award’s criteria may nominate themselves. 

Winners will be honored on Nov. 13 at ICFJ’s Tribute to Journalists 2025 in Washington, D.C.  The award reflects the mission of ICFJ’s Knight Fellowships. The fellowships, which are supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, spread news innovation to better engage communities and improve lives.

Application Deadline:  February 6, 2025.

For More Information,

Visit the Official Website

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