Top 20 Red Carpet Celebrity Slayers

Selena Gomez, AMAs

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From taking care of herself to wowing the crowd with her stunning red carpet looks, 2016 was good to Selena Gomez. Who can forget that flawless red Prada dress? Elegance meets simple lines – that dress is still one of our favorites. Such moment wouldn’t be sidelined on our list of 20 red carpet celebrities that broke the internet.

Lily Rose Depp, Met Gala

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Little Depp made Chanel proud at the Met Gala 2016 as the official brand ambassador. A halter-neck chiffon dress was paired with some beautiful gold shoes and a hanging jacket. This 16-year old is always in style. At first glance at the shot of this red carpet celebrities, I was unable to take my eyes off it. Lol, it took me long to do so and that was why I noticed that the charm from this moment was pretty awesome that it captured the attention of the internet.

Definitely it earned a spot on our list of 20 red carpet celebrities that broke the internet.