40 Celebrities Who Put Love Ahead Of Beauty, Marrying ‘Ugly’ Spouses

Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams

mandy moore ryan adams ugly spouse


Who would have thought that this cute little teen star would have hooked up with such a grungy guy?

If you’ve never heard of him before, don’t worry, neither had I! Apparently, his stardom is in the alternative country music scene. Never even knew there was such a thing.

He could easily pass for somebody asking for change walking down Haight Street in San Francisco.

Mandy Moore on the other hand went from a teen stunner to a red carpet fashionista. Mandy and Ryan began dating in 2008 and married shortly after in 2010. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately it only lasted 5 years when they got divorced in 2015.

I’m sure she has many men knocking on her door waiting to step in in Ryan’s place.