Here are The 10 Most Popular Disney Princesses. #6 Cinderella

4. Rapunzel

Rapunzel Disney Princess


Rapunzel is not our typical Disney princess. She appears in the 50th animated Disney film and is the first princess to be CGI-animated. She is also the first Disney princess to have green eyes and freckles. Her eyes by far are the biggest amongst all the Disney princesses and she was the 10th in the list. She is fun-loving, playful and clever. She is strong-willed and brave. We wouldn’t say that running away from home is a “brave” act but doing so to see the lanterns falls in the bravery category no doubt. Rapunzel is a perfect example of believing in your innocent dreams. It is tough to confront someone who has been manipulating you since you were an infant and even harder to stand up for them. Yet, thinking and caring about them is a quality that Rapunzel possessed.